Eighth Family Entrepreneur Day


Eighth Family Entrepreneur Day

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© Christiane Wenckheim during her lecture

Author - Johanna


After a forced break in 2020, the 8th Family Business Day took place this year at the beginning of July, this time at Schloss Grafenegg due to circumstances. As in previous years, a family business, or rather a representative of its owning family, was once again won over to give her thoughts on the interplay between family and business. This year it was Mrs. Christiane Wenckheim, who described her personal experiences with and about the company in a very personal presentation based on the Ottakringer beverage group.
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aktuelles Umfeld

In accordance with the current environment, three lectures dealt with current topics: "The dissolution of managerial contracts in the crisis" (Hon. Prof. RA Dr. S. Gahleitner), "Fiduciary duties in special times" (related to shareholder relationships, Univ. Prof. Dr. S. Kalss), as well as "Family businesses finance family businesses" by Univ. Ass. J.Jaritz LL.M. and RA Dr.St. Probst.Incidentally, all lectures of this extremely successful event will be published in the context of the publication "Kathrein Unternehmer Circle".
21/11/15  8. Familienunternehmertag © Christiane Wenckheim during her lecture

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