Kathrein Family Konsult

Kathrein Family Konsult

The Kathrein Competence Centre for Succession, Family Businesses and Foundations.

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Well advised. In all situations.

You have a tax advisor, a bank, and a lawyer, but...

... do you also have an overview?

We think proactively, holistically, and comprehensively – this means we address all topics and issues related to your wealth.

We offer you the opportunity to have an additional, neutral, and independent perspective on your wealth and work with you to develop an optimal, efficient wealth structure.

Additionally, we provide a one-stop shop: We coordinate all selected external advisors and deliver a unified and comprehensive overall concept.*

Clementine Michalek-Waldstein, Head of Kathrein Family Konsult:

"With Kathrein Family Konsult, we offer services that enable a holistic advisory approach for family and business wealth."

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Contact our specialists.

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Wealth Structuring

The Kathrein Family Konsult team works with you to develop a targeted, tailored, and as efficient as possible wealth structure. Together with you, we address questions such as:

  • Can the current wealth structure be changed/optimized?
  • What is the priority: stable wealth preservation versus profit maximization with more risk?
  • How can the existing wealth be optimally structured in terms of wealth succession? Should certain heirs be excluded/favored?
  • You have assets in different countries – when is it beneficial to consolidate them?

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Wealth Transfer

The topic of wealth transfer is both complex and emotional. And the more extensive the assets, the more questions typically arise – whether it's about business succession or family inheritance matters. Together, we will discuss, among other things, the following topics:

  • How can disputes among heirs be prevented?
  • Should the wealth be inherited or gifted?
  • Is the statutory inheritance sufficient, or is a will needed?
  • Are there philanthropic purposes that should be considered?

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Kathrein Foundation Office

The establishment of a foundation as well as the ongoing advisory services for existing foundations is diverse and complex. Kathrein Family Konsult offers its clients comprehensive foundation services based on decades of experience in both theory and practice, advising clients holistically on the following topics:

  • When does establishing a foundation make sense?
  • Is a foundation a suitable instrument in the context of succession planning?
  • Can existing foundations be optimized?
  • What specific investment solutions are available for foundations?

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Kathrein Expert Network

Investment issues and legal matters often raise a series of complex, especially legal and tax-related questions. To provide comprehensive support to our clients, we closely collaborate with top-tier Austrian lawyers, notaries, and tax advisors and can arrange suitable consultations for you as needed. With the Kathrein expert network, you can access selected lawyers, notaries, tax advisors, auditors, and real estate experts, as well as gain direct access to all companies within the Raiffeisen Banking Group and benefit from the group's international network and extensive expertise in the field of capital and financial markets.

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*The services mentioned do not constitute legal or tax advice, which is reserved especially for lawyers, notaries, and tax advisors, and cannot replace such advice when needed.

Contact our specialists

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Kathrein 0011

Mag. Clementine Michalek-Waldstein, StB & WP


Languages: German, English

E-Mail: clementine.michalek-waldstein@kathrein.at

Phone.: +43/1/534 51-235

Clementine Michalek-Waldstein heads the Kathrein Family Konsult team.

She has more than 20 years of experience in tax consulting and auditing, most recently in an Upper Austrian industrial company and before that in a management position in a tax consulting and auditing firm in Vienna. In the course of her career, she has been responsible for providing comprehensive advice to foundations, family offices and wealthy private clients.

Clementine Michalek-Waldstein studied at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and at the HEC Paris and graduated as a tax consultant and auditor.