Course "Foundation Board of Directors"


Course "Foundation Board of Directors"

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Foundations have become an indispensable part of today's business life, as they play an important role in succession planning as well as in corporate holding and in the non-profit sector. In addition, the growing body of case law on foundation issues is placing ever greater demands on the knowledge of board members, or more stringent requirements with regard to the management of foundations. We would therefore like to pass on our experience and knowledge to you. 

Therefore, incite, the academy of the UBIT association of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, has developed a course in cooperation with the Kathrein Foundation Office, which offers a solid knowledge base in order to be able to face the responsibility, the tasks and the liability of a functionary in a foundation in general or with regard to the special requirements in a professionally versed manner.

With this course you will gain knowledge about legal and tax regulations concerning foundations, types of foundations, relevant special topics as well as numerous tips for a board member of a foundation. Through the many years of experience of the lecturing foundation experts, you will gain practical insights into the requirements for a foundation board. 

If desired, the course can be supplemented with certification as a Certified Foundation Director.


Location: Kathrein Privatbank, Wipplingerstrasse 25, 1010 Vienna

Date: November 9th, 16th and 23rd, 2022 

Time: 09:00-17:30 each day


For more information on the course & to register, visit: Lehrgang Stiftungsvorstand (

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