Actively managed funds outperform their five year benchmarks


Actively managed funds outperform their five year benchmarks

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  • Kathrein Mandatum funds have outperformed their benchmarks over the last five years in both bond and equity funds as well as mixed funds.
  • Active wealth management enables adaptability to market changes at any time.


Vienna, March 10, 2025 - Kathrein Privatbank has successfully demonstrated the superiority of its Kathrein Mandatum funds over the last five years. These funds have outperformed all their benchmarks in the various asset classes. The benchmark for bonds is the performance of the index of all German government bonds with a residual maturity of more than one year and for equities the MSCI ACWI index, 50% of which is currency-hedged, for mixed funds in the respective units.
In view of the turbulent times, from the coronavirus pandemic to the interest rate crisis, the bank's active asset management has more than proved its worth. The 5-year performance benchmark for mixed funds with a higher proportion of bonds was particularly well beaten. For example, the 25% equities / 75% bonds strategy outperformed the benchmark by 5.74% (source: Kathrein Privatbank, as at January 31, 2025). The pure equity investment achieved an outperformance of 0.62% (Kathrein Privatbank, as of January 31, 2025); the fund costs have already been deducted in the calculation.
We would like to point out that past performance does not allow any reliable conclusions to be drawn about the future performance and returns of the fund.

Convincing results of the Kathrein Mandatum funds

The markets have faced major challenges over the past five years: Starting with the pandemic-related downturn in February 2020, followed by a period of extremely low interest rates and subsequent inflation, which led to the sharpest interest rate hikes in decades in 2022. During this period, bonds suffered even more than equities. “The fact that we were able to perform so well across all asset classes in these turbulent times is due to our sophisticated asset allocation, broad risk diversification and active seizing of opportunities. I am very proud of our portfolio management team, which has made this performance possible,” says Harald Holzer, CIO and member of the Executive Board of Kathrein Privatbank.

Active asset management is crucial

While passive strategies such as ETFs are always linked to the index, active management approaches offer an adjustment mechanism that enables an appropriate and rapid response to political and economic changes. On the equity side, various strategies are used to diversify the equity portfolio across global regions and styles. Factors such as earnings surprises and price momentum as well as value versus growth play a role here. Stefan Neubauer, member of the Executive Board of Kathrein Privatbank, explains: “The process is complex and multifaceted and utilizes internally developed expertise on many levels. But it is precisely this dynamic investment strategy that has enabled us to operate successfully in a rapidly changing market environment.”

When investing in securities, price fluctuations due to market changes are possible at any time. The published current prospectus and the information for investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG as well as the basic information sheet of the Mandatum funds are available on request from Kathrein Privatbank in paper form, as well as at under “Investment solutions / Our funds".



The Kathrein Privatbank AG, headquartered in Vienna, was founded in 1924 by Carl Kathrein and is one of the leading private banks in the German-speaking region. Its core competence lies in managing private, entrepreneurial, and institutional assets as well as the assets of private foundations. As a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International AG, the private bank offers the advantages of a flexible, independent, and service-oriented institution and the security of a stable, international banking group.




Daniel Rosenauer

PR & Marketing Manager

Mobile: +43 676 83191 375


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