Kathrein Market Perspective Q2 2024


Kathrein Market Perspective Q2 2024

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The current state of the economy and the political measures in place point to interesting developments in the financial markets. In this environment, the dollar could strengthen against the euro on the back of diverging economic outlooks for the US and the eurozone. This trend will be reinforced by the anticipated interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank starting in June, which could boost the dollar’s appeal.

In the Market Perspective we present our investment strategy on a quarterly basis and explain our asset allocation.



This information is intended to provide a general overview of current market data and Kathrein's market views and investment strategy and does not imply any direct or indirect recommendation for a particular investment strategy in the sense of a financial analysis. When investing in securities, price fluctuations due to market changes are possible at any time.

Our recent market perspective for download

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