

Publisher: Kathrein Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft

Wipplingerstraße 25 | A-1010 Vienna
DVR: 0041688
Company register and company register no.: Commercial court Vienna, FN 144838y
UID: ATU43536401



Kathrein Privatbank | E-Mail:
Tel: +43/1/534 51-0 
Regulatory authority and rules of professional conduct:
As a financial institution in accordance with par. 1 BWG (Austrian Banking Act), Kathrein Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft is subject to regulatory supervision by the Finanzmarktaufsicht (Financial Market Authority) Otto-Wagner-Platz 5,  A-1090 Wien ( and the European Central Bank (ECB), Sonnemannstrasse 22 D-60314 Frankfurt am Main (European Central Bank). The applicable laws and regulations include, but are not limited to the Bankwesengesetz (BWG) (Banking Act) and the Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz (WAG) (Securities Supervision Act), as amended.
Interest groups:
Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO), Industry Sector Banking and Insurance
Deposit protection:
Member of Austrian Raiffeisen Protection Scheme (Österreichische Raiffeisen-Sicherungseinrichtung eGen.)


Statements pursuant to Austrian media law, section 25

Publisher and media owner:
Kathrein Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft | Wipplingerstraße 25 | A-1010 Wien
Line of business:
Banking operations pursuant to Section 1, par. 1 of the Banking Act
Managing Board:
Celeda Wilhelm, CEO
Holzer Harald P., CFO, Member
Neubauer Stefan, Member 
Supervisory Board:
Andrii Stepanenko, Chairman
Werner Kaltenbrunner, Deputy Chairman
Peter Schmutzer, Member
Richard Zinkl, Member
Daniel R osenauer, Member
Basic website content:
Information on Kathrein Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft and its product and service offerings.


Legal Information

Kathrein checks and updates the information on its website on an ongoing basis. In spite of all the due care employed, data may have changed in the meantime and, therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information is up-to-date, accurate and complete. The same also applies to websites referred to by links: Kathrein is not responsible for the contents and the lawfulness of such websites.

Therefore Kathrein is not liable for loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with accessing the website or links provided within the website. Furthermore, Kathrein is not liable for any losses due to technical disruptions.

The contents of the website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal or investment advice or an offer or recommendation for the purchase or sale of securities. They are not intended or suitable to replace personal investment or other advice.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future developments.

At the same time we do not assume any liability whatsoever for the correctness, completeness or for whether or not any of the forward looking statements on this website will actually become true.

Kathrein reserves the right to amend or modify the contents of its website at any time.

The structure and the entire contents of Kathrein's website are protected by copyright. Any reproduction of data and information (texts, passages, charts, pictures, etc.) is prohibited and subject to prior approval of Kathrein.